We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
Don't swear online Always apologise if you make a mistake Netiquette is a set of rules for being online Important to use manners in emails Don't say mean things when upset online Flame wars are when two or more users have agruments. Trolls people who try to be mean to others
Don't bully online
Treat others the way you want to be treated Netiquette not only be nice but also being clear with your language and communication. Writing in capitals means you are shouting online Humour is had to understand when writing as you can not see the person or hear their voice Ask permission before posting anything online Internet is not private
How does Netiquette affect our relationships?
Netiquette can affect our relationships by when people might say mean words to you and then you might react back at them, you could start a flame war. Some people like to start a flame war because they like to see you get angry and you will be giving them attention.