
Wednesday, 13 March 2019

The Creepy House...

W.A.L.T: Write a Descriptive piece of writing of this picture using Descriptive language.

It was a dark and cloudy night and I was standing outside this old broken house thinking if I should go in. All I can hear is the house creaking and breaking. 

My tummy says I should not go in but my mind is telling me to go in, but then I hear this voice calling my name, “Jack-Jack" come on in it is nice and warm” I am so scared to say anything to the person because I don’t know what the person is going to do or say next.

I finally decided to go into the house, when I walk up to the door the stairs creak as I walk on them. I knock on the door but then the door just falls over. I walk in so scared hoping nothing bad happens. Holding my breath every step I take. When I walk in all I can see is spider webs and bugs all over the walls and the roof.

What I did well: setting out my work in paragraphs,
What I need to work on: my editing on my work,
What I found easy: coming up with ideas and Descriptive words.


  1. Hey Kurtis, Angie here, you did a good job on arranging the paragraphs. Maybe next time put more punctuations, and more adjectives to describe the noun. Other than that, keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you Angie, I will do that, and thank your for the feedback.


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