
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Beautiful Art

here is a bible reading of when Jesus was born.
Luke 2:7 7 and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.
What i enjoyed: i enjoyed drawing silhouette and painting the background.
What i found hard: what i found hard is cutting out the silhouette and gluing it onto my background.
What i couls do next time: i think i could do a better job in cutting out the silhouette 

Monday, 10 December 2018

Fun Tips On Flying On A Plane.

I hope that you enjoy looking and reading through my work.

W.A.L.T: come up with three tips on how to fly in a plane.
What I found hard: coming up with ideas and tips on how to fly on plane
What I found easy: finding the backgrounds and writing the Text
What I could do next time: I think i could do next time is make my Text stand out more.

Friday, 7 December 2018

About My Life

W.A.L.T:   create our own story book and to be creative.
What I found harddrawing my own picture because it took a lot of time. 
What I found easy: putting my book together.
What I could do next time: i think i could go through my spelling.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

W.A.L.T: describe what advent means to catholics and how we calibrate it.

what i found hard: finding the information and putting in the information into my own word.
what i found easy: writing in the information.
what i could do next time: put in some more information.

Friday, 23 November 2018

Te-Reo: Classroom Objects.

W.A.L.T: we had to create a google drawing of a  classroom and describe the location of the objects in Te-Reo. We also got to be with a buddy. after we had created the classroom we had to make a screencastify saying where the objects are in the classroom.

What I found easy: creating the classroom.
What I found hard: learning the sayings
What I could do better next time: what I think i could do better next time is go though the sayings and make sure i can say them properly.

what the saying are in English
Kei runga i te tepu te pukapuka - The book is on the table
Kei raro i te tepu te pene rakou - The pencil is under the table
Kei raro i te tepu te rupa - The rubber is under the table
Kei raro i te tepu te peke kura - The bag is under the table
Kei raro i te tepu te pene hinu - The color pencil is under the table.

Kei runga i te kaiako te pukapuka - The book is on the teacher.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

In the middle of know where

W.A.LT: to use show not tell write to imply and read to infer.

I am at school doing my school work and suddenly i pass out on the table. My head was getting woozy and my eye of site was getting blurry all of a sudden my head is on the table and i can’t see anything Friends are trying to help me but i am still lying there with my head on the table. The teachers call 111. The  ambulance comes and takes me away to a place i don’t know about. I wake up in a room with one big light hanging above me and i am laying on a table. I can hear the loud footsteps coming over to me, suddenly a man in all white leans over me and says “hi” i scream as loud as i can but then i realized that i am in the middle on nowhere. I am thinking what to do? To be continued…

if anyone wants to give me some feed back it will really help me in my writing and i respond to your feed back 

What i found hard:  what i found hard is checking my work 
What i found easy: coming up the the idears to write.
What i could do next time: i think i can put in some more writing.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Information Report v2

In our class we are learning about tapa cloths/ngatu. we had to create a information report about it her is mine. hope you enjoy.

What I found hard: Finding the information,
What I found easy: Writing the text
What I could do next time: What I think I can do next time is pun in some more text and make my phont better so people can read it easy.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Natgu / Tapa Cloth

In our class we have been learning about Tapa cloths. we had to write an information report. just sating it is not a finished and will be soon.

Things you need to know about the tapa cloth (natgu)

What do you people think what a tapa cloth is. That is what we all wonder. If you read this information report i will tell you what it is.

First paragraph, how the tapa cloth is made.

A tapa cloth is a light piece of paper that is made out of mulberry tree. It is coked out in water for a overnight. Then the strips are beaten with a wooden club until they become wider and longer. After the have done that it is hung up to dry. Now when it is dry you can lay iy out on the grass and paint anything of it.

How much a tapa cloth can be worth.

A tapa cloth can cost someone up to 800 to 12,00 dollars only if it is made the right way and have been taken care of.

Second paragraph, what is the significance of a tapa cloth.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018


We have been reading a book called posted. We have been gave actives to complete each week. Just letting you know that if my worn is not finished it is because i am working on it through the week and by the end it will be finished. hope you  like it.

What I found easy: creating my own images.
What I found hard: finding information about the John David Anderson.
What I could do next time: making my text stand out better and picking the right background.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Sacraments D.L.O

in week one of term 3 we had been learning about Sacraments, we had to create images for each Sacraments. here are what my images of the Sacraments look like. hope you like them.

what i found easy: creating the images.
what i found hard: finding the images to make.
what i could do better next time: i think i could work on my drawings more.

Friday, 31 August 2018

Interesting Work About Japan

In our class we got to pick a country  to study on. I chose japan, here is some of my activities. Just letting you now that if you see things that are not finished it is because i work on an activities  each week and i might not finish it. Anyway hope you enjoy looking at it.

Amazing Writing

In our class we are reading a book called posted, we had an activities  to write a persuasive writing on why I think phones should be in school. hope you like it.

Should cellphones be banned in school

In my opinion i think children should have phones in school time here are the reasons why.

Say your child has to go home because he is sick and the school does not have your parents phone number he can get his phone and call his parents. Also i think having a phone at school is great because if you are in a sticky situation you can use the handy google to help you.

Another reason is that say  you are in a place you should not be in. you can ring your friends to come and help you get out. (and maybe look around)

In the end i think it is a really great idea to let people take their phones to school.

What i fund easy: writing the story
what i found hard: coming up with the right word and making sour it makes sense
what i could do next time: what i think i could do next time is put in some more reasons into my writing

Cool Timeline

Our teacher gave us a doc and we had to complete them all. One of them was to create a timeline about Bishop Paul Martin. Hope you like my timeline.

what i found hard: finding the information and putting it into my own words
what i found easy: writing the information and creating in all
what i could do next time: i think i could do nothing to make this timeline better

Friday, 3 August 2018

W.A.L.T: create a DLO about decimals.

what I found hard: learning how to order decimals.
what I found easy: writing the information and working it all out.
what I could do next time: make my next stand out

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Topic: Instrument

W.A.L.T: Explore  how different cultures produce music.

What I found hard: finding the information.
What I found easy: creating the nose flutes.
What I could do next time: make the text stand out more.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Read if you wish

The gate to your nightmares.

Three kids broke into an abandoned park light at night, the three kids saw a old man sitting on a bench feeding the ducks. When the old man turned around and looked at the three kids looking straight at him. The man turned back and took of running down the path.

The three kids flowed him down the path to where he was staying but then the old man called out help! Help! I am being chased by three kids and i don’t know what to do. So a clown comes out behind the tree with a chainsaw and wearing a red wig, a white and blue T-Shirt.

That night the three kids got together to think what they were going to do about the clown and the old man.. The three kids talked about it and came up with an idea that might just work, the plan is to get the clown to chases one of us out of the park, Then one of us shut the gate after the clown is has ran out of the park. Then we will find the old man and take him to an old people’s home.

One of the night one of the kids had a nightmare about the clown chasing them out of the park. The kid woke up screaming for it to stop but the nightmare keeped on going on! and on! and on! That happened to the other two kids on the same night as well. So to fix all of there problems the went to a counselor to talk out the problems and to get some advice for what to do next.

what i found easy: writing the text
what i found hard: cumming up with the setting and the idears.
what i could do next time: write more text.

Refugee work

We have been reading a book about refugees and we had been given activities for each week. here are all of mine for the week 10 term 2

what i found hard: getting all of the information and putting it into my own words,
what i found easy: creating all of my pictures,
what could i do next time: make my headings stand out more.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Showing Respect

Room 6 had to make this because people in our call has not be showing Respect to each other.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Not wanting to go to school.

W.A.L.T create a ballad poem and make up our own rhythm.

Rhythm. A, B, B, A.

I am laying in bed thinking of not going to school,
Mum is telling me to get out of bed but it is to cold,
She comes up to me and puts me in a warm hold,
Hoping that the day is not on april fools.

I get out of bed and all of my clothes are all damp,
Mum gets the hot water bottle ready,
And I am there still watching five nights of freddy,
Mum tells me if I put my clothes on I will be a champ,

I’m walking to school with my friends talking along,
I feel as warm as being in a desert,
But then we saw a puppet called burt,
Then we all realized that we had said something wrong,

I am doing my maths and knowing that I hate it,
I feel like my head is going to blow up!
Then I thought of my little cute pup,
I felt like I had to quit,

I was sitting next to my best friend
Who was yabbering in my ear
All I wanted him to disappear,

As I wanted this conversation  to end,

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

About My Holidays

Spending time with family

The first week of the school holidays i was at my dad’s house. I went to twizel with my family, twizel is a place where people go fishing, sightseeing and enjoying the time on the water. I went to twizel with my Nanna, Grandad, Dad, Stepmum and my two younger brothers.

In the first week of the school holidays I went to stay at my friends house, it was really fun because he just got a new playstation 4. We didn't go to sleep till midnight watching youtube and playing games. I had lots of fun at his house, we also went to the swimming pools with his older brother we met some people and played around with a water polo ball.

On the 28th of April I was playing call of duty black ops 2 on my PS3, I started playing at 10.00am and got off at 12.00pm. The next morning I woke up at 10.00 in the morning I was so tired that i fell asleep watching billy madison.  

In the second week i went to the beach with my mum with her friend, it was really fun swimming in the sea. We also got a mr whippy ice cream, I got a crunchy nut with a chocolate flake stuck into it. Me and my mum dug a big hole that could fit myself and my mum inside it.

The worst part of my holiday is that by grandad died from  cancer and that my dad had to leave me with my nana and grandad that was on holiday with me in twizel. That was ok because to make me feel better my nana and grandad took me out for breakfast the next morning. I had bacon and eggs with a nice piece of bread.

Over all i loved my holiday hope you all loved your holiday as well.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

fun and interactive D.L.O

W.A.L.T create a D.L.O about out angles.

what i found hard: finding out the research.
what i found easy: creating my quiz.
What i could do better: pit some more information in my slide show.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

W.A.L.T find out what all of were the Queens Baton's has traveled around the would.

What I found easy: creating the atchley Queens Baton,
What I found hard: finding all the places where the Queens Baton has gone,
What I could do next time to make my work better: put in more information,

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

if you don't now about Rotation, Reflection, Translation and Enlargement watch this slide show.

We were learning what Rotation, Reflection, Translation and Enlargement.

What I found easy: Writing my text.
What I found hard: Thinking of what pictures to put in my slide show
What I could do next time: not put in the little bit of an animation.

ANZAC Day Diamante Poem

We are learning about ANZAC day.

What I found easy: cumming up with ides what to put in.
What I found hard: Tracing my pictures and cumming up with ides for what to put in my poem.
What I could do next time: tracing my eyes better on my pictures.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

W.A.L.T:  complete  a bunch of actives to do with the commonwealth games.

What I found hard: writing all of the text
What I found easy: creating my own pitchours
What I could do better next time: nothing

What I Learned About The Mascot For The Commonwealth Games

W.A.L.T:  complete  a bunch of actives to do with the commonwealth games.

What I found hard:making my own medals.
What I found easy: choosing the right colour for my text and the background.
What I could do to make it better: nothing

Information about the mascot for the 2018 commonwealth games

W.A.L.T: complete  a bunch of actives to do with the commonwealth games.

                       What I found hard: finding the information. 
                       What I found easy: writing the information. 
                        What I could do better: nothing.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

My To 5 Facts About Pancake Day.

W.R.L.T Reading information and putting the words into my own.


What i found hard: Cumming up with facts
What i found easy: making the slide show
What I could do next time:put more information

Onomatopoeia Poem

Onomatopoeia Poem

Bang!, crackle, pop, bang!, crackle, pop,
The fireworks fly up into the sky,

Bing, bong, bang!, bing, bong, bang!
Loud noises appear out of nowhere,

Fizz!, crackle, pop, fizz!, crackle, pop,
The night has just begun.
Image result for cool fireworks 2018
What I found hard: cumming up with new ideas.
What I found easy: Nothing.
What I could do next time: fixing my spelling.