
Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Topic: Instrument

W.A.L.T: Explore  how different cultures produce music.

What I found hard: finding the information.
What I found easy: creating the nose flutes.
What I could do next time: make the text stand out more.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Read if you wish

The gate to your nightmares.

Three kids broke into an abandoned park light at night, the three kids saw a old man sitting on a bench feeding the ducks. When the old man turned around and looked at the three kids looking straight at him. The man turned back and took of running down the path.

The three kids flowed him down the path to where he was staying but then the old man called out help! Help! I am being chased by three kids and i don’t know what to do. So a clown comes out behind the tree with a chainsaw and wearing a red wig, a white and blue T-Shirt.

That night the three kids got together to think what they were going to do about the clown and the old man.. The three kids talked about it and came up with an idea that might just work, the plan is to get the clown to chases one of us out of the park, Then one of us shut the gate after the clown is has ran out of the park. Then we will find the old man and take him to an old people’s home.

One of the night one of the kids had a nightmare about the clown chasing them out of the park. The kid woke up screaming for it to stop but the nightmare keeped on going on! and on! and on! That happened to the other two kids on the same night as well. So to fix all of there problems the went to a counselor to talk out the problems and to get some advice for what to do next.

what i found easy: writing the text
what i found hard: cumming up with the setting and the idears.
what i could do next time: write more text.

Refugee work

We have been reading a book about refugees and we had been given activities for each week. here are all of mine for the week 10 term 2

what i found hard: getting all of the information and putting it into my own words,
what i found easy: creating all of my pictures,
what could i do next time: make my headings stand out more.