
Friday, 31 August 2018

Interesting Work About Japan

In our class we got to pick a country  to study on. I chose japan, here is some of my activities. Just letting you now that if you see things that are not finished it is because i work on an activities  each week and i might not finish it. Anyway hope you enjoy looking at it.

Amazing Writing

In our class we are reading a book called posted, we had an activities  to write a persuasive writing on why I think phones should be in school. hope you like it.

Should cellphones be banned in school

In my opinion i think children should have phones in school time here are the reasons why.

Say your child has to go home because he is sick and the school does not have your parents phone number he can get his phone and call his parents. Also i think having a phone at school is great because if you are in a sticky situation you can use the handy google to help you.

Another reason is that say  you are in a place you should not be in. you can ring your friends to come and help you get out. (and maybe look around)

In the end i think it is a really great idea to let people take their phones to school.

What i fund easy: writing the story
what i found hard: coming up with the right word and making sour it makes sense
what i could do next time: what i think i could do next time is put in some more reasons into my writing

Cool Timeline

Our teacher gave us a doc and we had to complete them all. One of them was to create a timeline about Bishop Paul Martin. Hope you like my timeline.

what i found hard: finding the information and putting it into my own words
what i found easy: writing the information and creating in all
what i could do next time: i think i could do nothing to make this timeline better

Friday, 3 August 2018

W.A.L.T: create a DLO about decimals.

what I found hard: learning how to order decimals.
what I found easy: writing the information and working it all out.
what I could do next time: make my next stand out