
Thursday, 26 September 2019

The boing boing egg

In our class we have been learning about newton's third law of motion, we did a balloon race in our class, then we had to time how fast it would take for the balloon  to get to one side of the class room to the other. Then we had to write down the reresults, after we had done that we had to make a graph. 

Once we had done some experiments we where pt into buddies, we had to come up with our own fair test, My buddy was  Sam and we found this experiment online. The experiments is called bouncy egg. What was the point of doing this, we did this for fun and we wanted to see if we could make a egg really bounce, 

What does fair testing mean, fair testing means when you change one things but you keep all the other variables the same, when we did the bouncy egg we had to leave the egg in a jar of vinegar for 5 days, then we had to wash it. "What do you think happened to the egg"?...

What I found hard: Writing and finding out all the reresults
What I could do better: Put in some more colour into the science board.
What I found easy: What i found easy was doing the experiment.

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Maori Language Week!!!

In our class we had to learn how to use gamefroot. Gamefroot is an app that you an make cool and fun games, but it also is a new way for us to do our learning. Because it is maori language week our class had to create our own mihi using gamefroot. Here is my Mihi hope you like it!

What I found hard: Finding out the names for my Mihi 
What I found easy: Doing the coding,
What i could do better next time: nothing

Thursday, 5 September 2019

How a volcano works!

In our class we have been learning about how a volcano works. we also had to make a infographic, a infographic is a combination of pictures, diagrams, symboles, floe charts, words and numbers to show information in a fun and interesting way. Hope you enjoy looking at my infographic. Hope you learnt something new.

Things I found hard: What I found hard was finding all the information about a volcano and all the different parts of a volcano.
Things I found easy: What I found easy was, creating my volcano.
Things I could do better next time: What I could do better next time is, make my infographic more eye catching.

Things That Could Be Good In The School.

Things that will improve St Bernadette's school

Dear Mr. Norman,

If you are reading this I am going to be telling you what I would like to see happen in the school/in the classrooms. I will be explaining why we need more sports tournaments and also why we want a new school sport/school uniform then finally why we should do more work in our books. Keep on reading to find out my fact and opinions on what should change in the school..;

For a start I would like to talk about more sports tournaments, I think we need to be having more sports tournaments because it is a way for children to work on being fit and building strength. Also, I think we need more sport activities so children can try out as many sports as they want and if they don’t like them they can try out a different sport if they want to. My final reason on why we should have more sports in St Bernadette’s school is it is for other children in the school to bond together and make new friends.

Now I am going to be talking about why I want children to be doing more work in their books. I think this because it is a way for children to practice their handwriting. Also, it is a way for children to take more time into doing their work, and going back through there work finding all the mistakes that they have made. My final reason on why children should be doing more work in their books is, children get more work done in there books. They are getting more work done because children are not taking all of this time drawing pictures online and mucking around with different fonts, colors and other different things.

My last and final reason for what I want to change about the school is, changing our school/sports uniforms. I think we should change our school/sports uniform because some people are getting over our school uniform. Also when we go down for winter sport out sports uniform is not as cool as other schools. It would be really cool if we were allowed to wear our own hoodies and in the breaks, but we have to take them off when we get back into class. (because some people do not like the texture of the jersey at our school)

Thank you for taking the time to read my writing, hope you enjoyed reading about what I would like to see change in the school.. If you have time, maybe look into considering some things I have said and see if they will be a good idar in our school.