In our class we have been learning about newton's third law of motion, we did a balloon race in our class, then we had to time how fast it would take for the balloon to get to one side of the class room to the other. Then we had to write down the reresults, after we had done that we had to make a graph.
Once we had done some experiments we where pt into buddies, we had to come up with our own fair test, My buddy was Sam and we found this experiment online. The experiments is called bouncy egg. What was the point of doing this, we did this for fun and we wanted to see if we could make a egg really bounce,
What does fair testing mean, fair testing means when you change one things but you keep all the other variables the same, when we did the bouncy egg we had to leave the egg in a jar of vinegar for 5 days, then we had to wash it. "What do you think happened to the egg"?...
What I found hard: Writing and finding out all the reresults
What I could do better: Put in some more colour into the science board.
What I found easy: What i found easy was doing the experiment.