
Thursday, 20 September 2018

Information Report v2

In our class we are learning about tapa cloths/ngatu. we had to create a information report about it her is mine. hope you enjoy.

What I found hard: Finding the information,
What I found easy: Writing the text
What I could do next time: What I think I can do next time is pun in some more text and make my phont better so people can read it easy.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Natgu / Tapa Cloth

In our class we have been learning about Tapa cloths. we had to write an information report. just sating it is not a finished and will be soon.

Things you need to know about the tapa cloth (natgu)

What do you people think what a tapa cloth is. That is what we all wonder. If you read this information report i will tell you what it is.

First paragraph, how the tapa cloth is made.

A tapa cloth is a light piece of paper that is made out of mulberry tree. It is coked out in water for a overnight. Then the strips are beaten with a wooden club until they become wider and longer. After the have done that it is hung up to dry. Now when it is dry you can lay iy out on the grass and paint anything of it.

How much a tapa cloth can be worth.

A tapa cloth can cost someone up to 800 to 12,00 dollars only if it is made the right way and have been taken care of.

Second paragraph, what is the significance of a tapa cloth.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018


We have been reading a book called posted. We have been gave actives to complete each week. Just letting you know that if my worn is not finished it is because i am working on it through the week and by the end it will be finished. hope you  like it.

What I found easy: creating my own images.
What I found hard: finding information about the John David Anderson.
What I could do next time: making my text stand out better and picking the right background.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Sacraments D.L.O

in week one of term 3 we had been learning about Sacraments, we had to create images for each Sacraments. here are what my images of the Sacraments look like. hope you like them.

what i found easy: creating the images.
what i found hard: finding the images to make.
what i could do better next time: i think i could work on my drawings more.