
Friday, 26 July 2019

Exploding Canisters!!!

Walt: Predict what was going to happen, then observe what happened.

On Thursday our class did an experiment with berocca. We got into groups of three or two, we also got given one peace of berocca and a small container of water. when we put the berocca into the small container and put the lid onto the container, the lid of the container flew of the top and all the berocca and made a mess. It was so much fun, the best part was when me and all my friends screamed when the lid flew of the container. It was nerve wracking when we just watched the berocca in the container fizz up then fly off.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kurtis, Angie here! I like how you explained what we did as an experiment, maybe next time add in a google drawing of what we did, other than that, keep up the great work!


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