In our class we read a book called Pig the Pug, We had to finish off the story. we had to try and make it sound like a news paper article.
Did he die or live.
On the 9th of September Pig the Pug fell or was pushed out a window. Police, forensics and ambulances were there within minutes.They rushed Pig the Pug to the hospital while the police and the forensic were looking through the apartment for any clues. As police were looking through the apartment they found a suspect in the building with black gloves and a black mask on.
Police took the suspect into custody. Police question the suspect for hours to get answers. While the police were asking question to the suspect, surgeons were doing a operation on pig the pug because he lots of broken bones.
Police asked the suspect what he was doing with the mask and black gloves. He said “ I just like walking around with back gloves and a black mask on ” police are not believing his story from what he is saying. To be Continued!!!
What I found hard: What I found hard was trying to make it sound like a new paper article.
What I could do next time: Make sure I finish my work on time.
What I found easy: Coming up with descriptive language to put into my new paper article.