
Monday, 20 May 2019

Looking After The Annoying Maddie

In our reading group we have read this story called looking after Maddie. We where given a sheet and on the sheet it had activities that we had to complete. here are my 5 activities I completed hope you enjoyed them.

What I found hard: Doing the story wed
What I found easy: Creating my own drawings.
What I could do better next time: I think I could do nothing 

Friday, 17 May 2019

Pink Shirt Day

Today it was pink shirt day at our school. For pink shirt day our school had to where anything pink. the meaning of pink shirt day is to stop bullying in schools. Pink shirt day is a great day to celebrate anti bullying day. 
Image result for pink shirt day sticker

Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Most Amazing Mum

In our class this week we have been learning how to write by showing not telling. We had to do a piece of writing about our mum's. Hope you enjoy reading through my work.

This person is the most amazing person I know. That person is my mum, she likes to take pride in what she wears and what she looks like. Mum always likes to put on perfume and smell nice. Mum is a very tall person and always dresses up nice when she is going to work or is just going out.

Mum's one of those people that act nice all the time and really is in a bad mood. “But when she is in a bad mood you will know about it” Mum when she starts to sneeze she will not stop for like 5 minutes, It gets so annoying. The best thing about my mum is that she is a very caring person and likes to help anyone in any way she can.

Mum affects those around her by being a caring person who likes to make sure others feel good about themselves. Mum always says to me she wants the best for me and always gets me what I want in reason. All my mum does is try and make everything I do easily for me.

Mum’s one of them people that like to buy nice things and make sure that they will fit in with the house or what she is wearing, she takes pride in her appearance and the house and makes sure her family look nice and cared for too. Mum lives down a nice street and the street is so amazing because it is covered with trees.

What I found hard: Trying to put my words into showing not telling.
What I found easy: Finding the amazing things about my mum.
What I could do better next time: What I think I could do better next time is, try and make my writing sound like I am showing it not telling it.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Pig The PUug

Pig The Useless Pug

W.A.L.T: write a story buy showing not telling.

Pig the Pug was a dog and he is very fat. He  had massive eyes the size of oranges,
And also the tiniest feet and paws, that when he walked he falls over all the time. When pug smiled all you could see is his ugly old teeth. Pig the Pug had the pointiest ears I have ever seen my life.

Pig is one of the bossiest pugs there has ever been on this earth. He does not care about anyone else, he only cares about himself. He is a very arrogant pug. Pig the pug bosses his friends around and his friends can’t say no.

Pug has one deadly behavior, he is very mean to other people and it makes them feel unwanted and sad.  What pug says to his friends is not very nice and he doesn't think how it will make his friends feel. His friend Trevor is a very forgiving dog because he forgives what pig the pug has said to him.

We might believe that pug was a well-kept dog but really he liked to keep his room in a pig stye. Pig appears not to pick up after himself, he leaves his dirty washing on the floor, his food scraps on his table or ln the floor. Pig the Pugs keeps all his toys on the floor and does not pick up after himself. Pig leaves all his nice spray and deodorant laying on the floor for his friend Trevor to steep on. All in the end Pig the Pug is a very dirty pug and does not consider anyone else but himself.

What I found hard: Trying to turn my language features into show not tell
What I could do better: Put in more descriptive words.
What I found easy: Thinking of the different type of words to describe pig the pug.