
Friday, 23 August 2019


WALT: I can write a short persuasive post by making a claim and backing it up with reasons. I can plan for a longer persuasive post by identifying the topic, audience and a question. I can research my topic by identifying information and paraphrasing the facts.

First off I would just like to ask you, what is your take on plastic or metal straws. Well is this piece of
writing I am going to be telling you why I want metal straws and not plastic straws.

(Watch this video to understand why we need to stop using plastic straws and any other plastic)

Others agree that we should be using plastic straws instead of metal straws. Well, I think we should be
using metal straws, I think that because plastic straws are being used every day and are just being
thrown away. People are not thinking about what will happen to their straws when they just throw
them away. Also, I think that metal straws are better because we can reuse them. “It is not that hard to
wash some dishes is it” XD

( Fact ) It is estimated that there are 100 million tons of plastic in the oceans around the world.

In my perspective, I think we need to use metal straws, not plastic because we don't need any more
plastic going into the ocean. There are videos on the internet of a turtles getting plastic pulled out of
around their head. "it is not nice watching plastic being pulled out of an animal" plastic is also killing
not just turtles but other sea animals, e.g, sharks, sea bird and many more different animals are dying
to how much plastic is in the ocean.

( Fact) Each day around 8 million pieces of plastic makes their way to our oceans.

I think we need to start using metal straws instead of plastic because 0.25 percent of the ocean's plastic
is made up of plastic straws. I think that because over 100,000 marine creatures die a year just from
plastic straws. “If this keeps on happening we will not have many marine creatures left in our ocean.
'' Some scientists estimate there are about 8.3 billion plastic straws all over the world.

Well our story is coming to an end. After reading my writing what is your take on why we should be
using metal or plastic straws. If you don’t agree with my opinion that is fine. But this is my reasons
why I want to use metal not plastic straws.

What I found easy: What I found easy was coming up words that go with my text, also
choosing the bests words to back up my facts.
What I found hard: What I found hard was trying to find facts about why i want to be 
using metal straws not plastic straws.
What I could do next time to make my writing better: What I think I could do better next time is put in more facts about why i want to use metal straws not plastic straws.

Monday, 5 August 2019

The Day Fianllly Came

WALT: Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together, write in structured well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within text. Also using linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect

In our class we did the really fun active, the active was to look at this photo and use our 5 senses to write a story about the photo, I really liked doing this active.

It was that day, the day I have been dreaming about but also don't want to leave them behind.  "Oh sorry I got ahead of myself, let me tell you what has happened" So it was 1984 and I got sentenced to prison for 5 years. I met some people that I got along with and we made a close friendship, we always had each other's back and when one of us was struggling with something we would help them get out and be free. Half the time it wasn't even their fault they were in there. 

All my friends in prison were sentenced to prison for a lifetime for things that they regret doing. I was thinking of a way to get them out. Endless nights of thinking and planning. I finally came up with a plan. The plan is when it is yard time go to the corner of the yard and I will through over a rope, then you will all climb over the brick wall. then you will all be free.

What i enjoyed: Coming up with a story form a picture and using the 5 senses 
What I could do better: Make sure that i complete my work on time and put in more writing
What i did well: What i think i did well is choosing specific words for this text and when to use certain words