
Monday, 5 August 2019

The Day Fianllly Came

WALT: Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together, write in structured well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within text. Also using linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect

In our class we did the really fun active, the active was to look at this photo and use our 5 senses to write a story about the photo, I really liked doing this active.

It was that day, the day I have been dreaming about but also don't want to leave them behind.  "Oh sorry I got ahead of myself, let me tell you what has happened" So it was 1984 and I got sentenced to prison for 5 years. I met some people that I got along with and we made a close friendship, we always had each other's back and when one of us was struggling with something we would help them get out and be free. Half the time it wasn't even their fault they were in there. 

All my friends in prison were sentenced to prison for a lifetime for things that they regret doing. I was thinking of a way to get them out. Endless nights of thinking and planning. I finally came up with a plan. The plan is when it is yard time go to the corner of the yard and I will through over a rope, then you will all climb over the brick wall. then you will all be free.

What i enjoyed: Coming up with a story form a picture and using the 5 senses 
What I could do better: Make sure that i complete my work on time and put in more writing
What i did well: What i think i did well is choosing specific words for this text and when to use certain words 


  1. Ello Kurtis, I really like how you have included the audience with your writing like the man In the story was telling a story. I really like how you added little details to make it really stand out like speech marks. Maybe you could add a photo of the story? overall really nice and well written story.

    By Dion

  2. A great start. You have grouped similar ideas together. Make sure that you are drawing on the senses to paint a picture in the readers head.


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