
Monday, 28 August 2017

Red Poem

Red poem.

W.A.L.T: write a colour poem

Red is the flames that keeps me so warm
Red is the lava that’s like a bookworm
Red is the blood that keeps me alive
Red is the strawberries that makes me survive
Red is the sunset that warms me up
Red is the tomatoes that make me say yup.

I love Red because it reminds me of a sunset.

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Most Sporty Family.

W.A.L.T To write an interesting poem about our own Family.

sporty Family.
Yelling  Yelling  at the television, family members Yelling  yaaah! The rugby’s on and I am standing up screaming at the T.V. hoping my team will win. Try after try and kick after kick they keep on coming. In the end we won and I am really tired.

My Mum is always tired after a hard day at work.
Nick is a sport freak and all he watches is sport.
My Dad loves his bike riding and hiking through the mountains.
My brother is always screaming in my ear.
The one part I love about my family is we all love sport.

Image result for all blacks rugbyRelated image

Friday, 18 August 2017

Rain Rain Everywhere.

W.A.L.T Create a poem or piece of writing about the downpour of rain.

Rain Rain Everywhere.

One day there was a boy sitting looking out his window he said to himself “I wish that the rain would stop” as soon as he said that the rain poured down even harder and then it started to hail. He went inside and said to his dad can we go to the mall. His dad said no! Because we do not have enough money son. So I went to sit down by the window again, he thought really hard so in case the rain stopped and he could go outside and play basketball with his friends. His Mum shouted out and said “Come and get ready for bed son” He said “ok Mum.” So I went to my room and put my p.js on and then went to go and brush my teeth. Mum and Dad came and tuck me into bed, poppy cam and slept with me for the night. In the morning it was still raining and I had to go to school today (Boring!) But I had to put up with it. I looked out the window and my whole backyard was flooded and I could not do anything about it. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and put gel in my here. Then I went to the kitchen to have my breakfast. I had 4 weetbicks they were very yummy.

I had to walk to school and it was pouring down with rain I did not have a jacket or a jerzey and i was shivering. I saw my friend walking on the other side of the road with an umbrella. So I walked over to him and said can “I walk the rest of the way to school with you because I am really cold” He said “yes” So I walked the rest of ter way to school with him. Once we got to school I setup my computer for school and then looked outside to see if the rain had stop.

When I got home from school I said hi to Dad & Mum.They said how was school and I said it was BORING. After tea I went to get ready for bed, I brushed my teeth and put my p.js on. Then Mum and Dad came in and tucked me into bed.