I really liked finding facts about Lorde, she is a very good singer and has an amazing voice. Hope you find the facts I have found about Lorde are cool.
Monday, 9 December 2019
Monday, 2 December 2019
Teaster-SLJ active 5
Today I am going to be telling you about my top 5 rules I think to help you be Cybersmart when you are on the internet.
Rule 1: Be Careful What You Post
Rule 2: Choose Strong Passwords
Rule 3: Keep Your Privacy Settings On
Rule 4: Be Careful What You Download
Rule 5: Be careful on pop ups that ask for your email and password.
Rule 1: Be Careful What You Post
Rule 2: Choose Strong Passwords
Rule 3: Keep Your Privacy Settings On
Rule 4: Be Careful What You Download
Rule 5: Be careful on pop ups that ask for your email and password.
Monday, 25 November 2019
SLJ - Practice Active
My favourite food is pizza, because it is very yummy, i also live the way there are lots of different type of pizza. (by the way i drew my own picture)
Thursday, 24 October 2019
All about a waterspout & how they are formed.
In out class we have been learning about, how waterspouts are formed. We had to create an infographic showing how a waterspout is formed, we had to create all of our pictures our self. Here is my infographic hope you learnt something knew, about how a waterspout is formed and what a water spout is.
What I found hard: Finding out the information about how a waterspout is formed,
What was easy: Creating my pictures and making them with lots of detail,
What I could do better next time to make my work better: Put in more information about what a waterspouts is and how they are formed
Thursday, 26 September 2019
The boing boing egg
In our class we have been learning about newton's third law of motion, we did a balloon race in our class, then we had to time how fast it would take for the balloon to get to one side of the class room to the other. Then we had to write down the reresults, after we had done that we had to make a graph.
Once we had done some experiments we where pt into buddies, we had to come up with our own fair test, My buddy was Sam and we found this experiment online. The experiments is called bouncy egg. What was the point of doing this, we did this for fun and we wanted to see if we could make a egg really bounce,
What does fair testing mean, fair testing means when you change one things but you keep all the other variables the same, when we did the bouncy egg we had to leave the egg in a jar of vinegar for 5 days, then we had to wash it. "What do you think happened to the egg"?...
What I found hard: Writing and finding out all the reresults
What I could do better: Put in some more colour into the science board.
What I found easy: What i found easy was doing the experiment.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
Maori Language Week!!!
In our class we had to learn how to use gamefroot. Gamefroot is an app that you an make cool and fun games, but it also is a new way for us to do our learning. Because it is maori language week our class had to create our own mihi using gamefroot. Here is my Mihi hope you like it!
What I found hard: Finding out the names for my Mihi
What I found easy: Doing the coding,
What i could do better next time: nothing
Thursday, 5 September 2019
How a volcano works!
In our class we have been learning about how a volcano works. we also had to make a infographic, a infographic is a combination of pictures, diagrams, symboles, floe charts, words and numbers to show information in a fun and interesting way. Hope you enjoy looking at my infographic. Hope you learnt something new.
Things I found hard: What I found hard was finding all the information about a volcano and all the different parts of a volcano.
Things I found easy: What I found easy was, creating my volcano.
Things I could do better next time: What I could do better next time is, make my infographic more eye catching.
Things That Could Be Good In The School.
Things that will improve St Bernadette's school
Dear Mr. Norman,
If you are reading this I am going to be telling you what I would like to see happen in the school/in the classrooms. I will be explaining why we need more sports tournaments and also why we want a new school sport/school uniform then finally why we should do more work in our books. Keep on reading to find out my fact and opinions on what should change in the school..;
For a start I would like to talk about more sports tournaments, I think we need to be having more sports tournaments because it is a way for children to work on being fit and building strength. Also, I think we need more sport activities so children can try out as many sports as they want and if they don’t like them they can try out a different sport if they want to. My final reason on why we should have more sports in St Bernadette’s school is it is for other children in the school to bond together and make new friends.
Now I am going to be talking about why I want children to be doing more work in their books. I think this because it is a way for children to practice their handwriting. Also, it is a way for children to take more time into doing their work, and going back through there work finding all the mistakes that they have made. My final reason on why children should be doing more work in their books is, children get more work done in there books. They are getting more work done because children are not taking all of this time drawing pictures online and mucking around with different fonts, colors and other different things.
My last and final reason for what I want to change about the school is, changing our school/sports uniforms. I think we should change our school/sports uniform because some people are getting over our school uniform. Also when we go down for winter sport out sports uniform is not as cool as other schools. It would be really cool if we were allowed to wear our own hoodies and in the breaks, but we have to take them off when we get back into class. (because some people do not like the texture of the jersey at our school)
Thank you for taking the time to read my writing, hope you enjoyed reading about what I would like to see change in the school.. If you have time, maybe look into considering some things I have said and see if they will be a good idar in our school.
Friday, 23 August 2019
WALT: I can write a short persuasive post by making a claim and backing it up with reasons. I can plan for a longer persuasive post by identifying the topic, audience and a question. I can research my topic by identifying information and paraphrasing the facts.
First off I would just like to ask you, what is your take on plastic or metal straws. Well is this piece of
writing I am going to be telling you why I want metal straws and not plastic straws.
Others agree that we should be using plastic straws instead of metal straws. Well, I think we should be
using metal straws, I think that because plastic straws are being used every day and are just being
thrown away. People are not thinking about what will happen to their straws when they just throw
them away. Also, I think that metal straws are better because we can reuse them. “It is not that hard to
wash some dishes is it” XD
( Fact ) It is estimated that there are 100 million tons of plastic in the oceans around the world.
In my perspective, I think we need to use metal straws, not plastic because we don't need any more
plastic going into the ocean. There are videos on the internet of a turtles getting plastic pulled out of
around their head. "it is not nice watching plastic being pulled out of an animal" plastic is also killing
not just turtles but other sea animals, e.g, sharks, sea bird and many more different animals are dying
to how much plastic is in the ocean.
( Fact) Each day around 8 million pieces of plastic makes their way to our oceans.
I think we need to start using metal straws instead of plastic because 0.25 percent of the ocean's plastic
is made up of plastic straws. I think that because over 100,000 marine creatures die a year just from
plastic straws. “If this keeps on happening we will not have many marine creatures left in our ocean.
'' Some scientists estimate there are about 8.3 billion plastic straws all over the world.
Well our story is coming to an end. After reading my writing what is your take on why we should be
using metal or plastic straws. If you don’t agree with my opinion that is fine. But this is my reasons
why I want to use metal not plastic straws.
What I found easy: What I found easy was coming up words that go with my text, also
choosing the bests words to back up my facts.
choosing the bests words to back up my facts.
What I found hard: What I found hard was trying to find facts about why i want to be
using metal straws not plastic straws.
using metal straws not plastic straws.
What I could do next time to make my writing better: What I think I could do better next time is put in more facts about why i want to use metal straws not plastic straws.
Monday, 5 August 2019
The Day Fianllly Came
WALT: Use paragraphs to link similar ideas together, write in structured well developed paragraphs that flow well from one to the next within text. Also using linking words and phrases to link paragraphs for effect
In our class we did the really fun active, the active was to look at this photo and use our 5 senses to write a story about the photo, I really liked doing this active.
It was that day, the day I have been dreaming about but also don't want to leave them behind. "Oh sorry I got ahead of myself, let me tell you what has happened" So it was 1984 and I got sentenced to prison for 5 years. I met some people that I got along with and we made a close friendship, we always had each other's back and when one of us was struggling with something we would help them get out and be free. Half the time it wasn't even their fault they were in there.
All my friends in prison were sentenced to prison for a lifetime for things that they regret doing. I was thinking of a way to get them out. Endless nights of thinking and planning. I finally came up with a plan. The plan is when it is yard time go to the corner of the yard and I will through over a rope, then you will all climb over the brick wall. then you will all be free.
What i enjoyed: Coming up with a story form a picture and using the 5 senses
What I could do better: Make sure that i complete my work on time and put in more writing
What i did well: What i think i did well is choosing specific words for this text and when to use certain words
Friday, 26 July 2019
Exploding Canisters!!!
Walt: Predict what was going to happen, then observe what happened.
On Thursday our class did an experiment with berocca. We got into groups of three or two, we also got given one peace of berocca and a small container of water. when we put the berocca into the small container and put the lid onto the container, the lid of the container flew of the top and all the berocca and made a mess. It was so much fun, the best part was when me and all my friends screamed when the lid flew of the container. It was nerve wracking when we just watched the berocca in the container fizz up then fly off.
On Thursday our class did an experiment with berocca. We got into groups of three or two, we also got given one peace of berocca and a small container of water. when we put the berocca into the small container and put the lid onto the container, the lid of the container flew of the top and all the berocca and made a mess. It was so much fun, the best part was when me and all my friends screamed when the lid flew of the container. It was nerve wracking when we just watched the berocca in the container fizz up then fly off.
Friday, 14 June 2019
All About the Maori Creation
Yesterday our class watched a video about the Maori Creation, I learnt what the Maori people believe in and how the world started. After our class watched the video we all wrote on a google doc what the video means to us. It was really cool learning something new about what the Maori people believe in. What I think i could do better next time is put in some writing and explain more what it means to me.
Maori Creation
There were two gods, one was a boy and one was a girl, they had 6 kids, and each of them were gods to. The kids did not like that they were trapped in there protection and they wanted to see the light. So at first one of the gods said we should kill our parents, but they other gods said “no we can’t do that”
One of the other gods planted himself in the ground, after he was done planting himself in the ground he grew really really tall. When he grew really tall
~ it split the two parents up so they all seen the light.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
basic Facts 2019
Here is my Basic Facts I have to do three timed and three untimed. After I have done all of the basic facts i have to do a reflection.
Friday, 7 June 2019
Dumbo The Amazing Elephant
In our class our teacher is reading us the new Dumbo the Elephant book, i think it is a cool book. After each chapter we have question we have to answer, some of the questions are easy but some are hard. here are my activities hope you like them.
What I found hard: Answering the questions.
What I found easy: Creating my circus
What I could do better next time: Make mt poster stand out more and put some.
Monday, 20 May 2019
Looking After The Annoying Maddie
In our reading group we have read this story called looking after Maddie. We where given a sheet and on the sheet it had activities that we had to complete. here are my 5 activities I completed hope you enjoyed them.
What I found hard: Doing the story wed
What I found easy: Creating my own drawings.
What I could do better next time: I think I could do nothing
Friday, 17 May 2019
Pink Shirt Day
Today it was pink shirt day at our school. For pink shirt day our school had to where anything pink. the meaning of pink shirt day is to stop bullying in schools. Pink shirt day is a great day to celebrate anti bullying day.
Pink shirt day
Thursday, 9 May 2019
The Most Amazing Mum
In our class this week we have been learning how to write by showing not telling. We had to do a piece of writing about our mum's. Hope you enjoy reading through my work.
This person is the most amazing person I know. That person is my mum, she likes to take pride in what she wears and what she looks like. Mum always likes to put on perfume and smell nice. Mum is a very tall person and always dresses up nice when she is going to work or is just going out.
Mum's one of those people that act nice all the time and really is in a bad mood. “But when she is in a bad mood you will know about it” Mum when she starts to sneeze she will not stop for like 5 minutes, It gets so annoying. The best thing about my mum is that she is a very caring person and likes to help anyone in any way she can.
Mum affects those around her by being a caring person who likes to make sure others feel good about themselves. Mum always says to me she wants the best for me and always gets me what I want in reason. All my mum does is try and make everything I do easily for me.
Mum’s one of them people that like to buy nice things and make sure that they will fit in with the house or what she is wearing, she takes pride in her appearance and the house and makes sure her family look nice and cared for too. Mum lives down a nice street and the street is so amazing because it is covered with trees.
What I found hard: Trying to put my words into showing not telling.
What I found easy: Finding the amazing things about my mum.
What I could do better next time: What I think I could do better next time is, try and make my writing sound like I am showing it not telling it.
Monday, 6 May 2019
Pig The PUug
Pig The Useless Pug
W.A.L.T: write a story buy showing not telling.
Pig the Pug was a dog and he is very fat. He had massive eyes the size of oranges,
And also the tiniest feet and paws, that when he walked he falls over all the time. When pug smiled all you could see is his ugly old teeth. Pig the Pug had the pointiest ears I have ever seen my life.
Pig is one of the bossiest pugs there has ever been on this earth. He does not care about anyone else, he only cares about himself. He is a very arrogant pug. Pig the pug bosses his friends around and his friends can’t say no.
Pug has one deadly behavior, he is very mean to other people and it makes them feel unwanted and sad. What pug says to his friends is not very nice and he doesn't think how it will make his friends feel. His friend Trevor is a very forgiving dog because he forgives what pig the pug has said to him.
We might believe that pug was a well-kept dog but really he liked to keep his room in a pig stye. Pig appears not to pick up after himself, he leaves his dirty washing on the floor, his food scraps on his table or ln the floor. Pig the Pugs keeps all his toys on the floor and does not pick up after himself. Pig leaves all his nice spray and deodorant laying on the floor for his friend Trevor to steep on. All in the end Pig the Pug is a very dirty pug and does not consider anyone else but himself.
What I found hard: Trying to turn my language features into show not tell
What I could do better: Put in more descriptive words.
What I found easy: Thinking of the different type of words to describe pig the pug.
W.A.L.T: write a story buy showing not telling.
Pig the Pug was a dog and he is very fat. He had massive eyes the size of oranges,
And also the tiniest feet and paws, that when he walked he falls over all the time. When pug smiled all you could see is his ugly old teeth. Pig the Pug had the pointiest ears I have ever seen my life.
Pig is one of the bossiest pugs there has ever been on this earth. He does not care about anyone else, he only cares about himself. He is a very arrogant pug. Pig the pug bosses his friends around and his friends can’t say no.
Pug has one deadly behavior, he is very mean to other people and it makes them feel unwanted and sad. What pug says to his friends is not very nice and he doesn't think how it will make his friends feel. His friend Trevor is a very forgiving dog because he forgives what pig the pug has said to him.
We might believe that pug was a well-kept dog but really he liked to keep his room in a pig stye. Pig appears not to pick up after himself, he leaves his dirty washing on the floor, his food scraps on his table or ln the floor. Pig the Pugs keeps all his toys on the floor and does not pick up after himself. Pig leaves all his nice spray and deodorant laying on the floor for his friend Trevor to steep on. All in the end Pig the Pug is a very dirty pug and does not consider anyone else but himself.
What I found hard: Trying to turn my language features into show not tell
What I could do better: Put in more descriptive words.
What I found easy: Thinking of the different type of words to describe pig the pug.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
All About The Animals In WWII
In Room 6 we are learning and WWII and WWI. we had to create a D.L.O about how animals were used in the war. I was fun finding out new information about animals and the wars. .
Click the link to see mt prezi.
What I found hard: Finding the information for some of the animals in the wars,
What I could do better: Nothing,
What I found easy: Putting the information into my own words,
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Little Bro!!!
In my reading group we read a book called Little Bro. After we had read the book we did some follow up activities. Here are my follow up activities, Hope you like them.
What I found easy: finding the information in the text,
What I could do next time: Make sure that I make my text better to read,
What I found hard: Putting some of the text into my own words,
What I found easy: finding the information in the text,
What I could do next time: Make sure that I make my text better to read,
What I found hard: Putting some of the text into my own words,
I am posting the Skellig work. This is the class book we are reading. We get given activities every week to finish. Sometimes I might have not finished them so there might be some work on my slideshow that does not look finished. Hope you enjoy looking at my activities and my work.
What I found hard: Trying to remember the answers from the book,
What I could do better: Making sure i get my work finished on time,
What I found easy: What I found easy is creating the garage,
What I found hard: Trying to remember the answers from the book,
What I could do better: Making sure i get my work finished on time,
What I found easy: What I found easy is creating the garage,
Wednesday, 3 April 2019
All About Personal Sin
W.A.L.T: create a D.L.O to show your understanding about personal sin make sure you include some examples of personal sin.
What I could do better:making the text more clear to read.
What I did well: putting in lots of information
What I learnt: what personal sin means
Friday, 29 March 2019
Pig The Pug
In our class we read a book called Pig the Pug, We had to finish off the story. we had to try and make it sound like a news paper article.
Did he die or live.
On the 9th of September Pig the Pug fell or was pushed out a window. Police, forensics and ambulances were there within minutes.They rushed Pig the Pug to the hospital while the police and the forensic were looking through the apartment for any clues. As police were looking through the apartment they found a suspect in the building with black gloves and a black mask on.
Police took the suspect into custody. Police question the suspect for hours to get answers. While the police were asking question to the suspect, surgeons were doing a operation on pig the pug because he lots of broken bones.
Police asked the suspect what he was doing with the mask and black gloves. He said “ I just like walking around with back gloves and a black mask on ” police are not believing his story from what he is saying. To be Continued!!!
What I found hard: What I found hard was trying to make it sound like a new paper article.
What I could do next time: Make sure I finish my work on time.
What I found easy: Coming up with descriptive language to put into my new paper article.
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
The Creepy House...
W.A.L.T: Write a Descriptive piece of writing of this picture using Descriptive language.
It was a dark and cloudy night and I was standing outside this old broken house thinking if I should go in. All I can hear is the house creaking and breaking.
My tummy says I should not go in but my mind is telling me to go in, but then I hear this voice calling my name, “Jack-Jack" come on in it is nice and warm” I am so scared to say anything to the person because I don’t know what the person is going to do or say next.
I finally decided to go into the house, when I walk up to the door the stairs creak as I walk on them. I knock on the door but then the door just falls over. I walk in so scared hoping nothing bad happens. Holding my breath every step I take. When I walk in all I can see is spider webs and bugs all over the walls and the roof.
What I did well: setting out my work in paragraphs,
What I need to work on: my editing on my work,
What I found easy: coming up with ideas and Descriptive words.
Monday, 4 March 2019
W.A.L.T: create a interactive DLO about the internet.
what I found hard: what I found hard was finding out how to make a quiz,
What I found easy: what I found easy was finding out the information,
What I could do better next time: what I could do better next time is putting in more information in my work,
Monday, 25 February 2019
All About The Land Wars
What we had to do: what we had to do is create a D.L.O about the land wars in New Zealand,
What I found Hard: what I found hard is finding the information#,
What I found easy: what I found easy was creating the D.l.O
what I could do better next time: put in more information:
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